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Comments or Concerns About Care

The staff members of the Department of Student Health and Wellness (SHW) are very committed to addressing student concerns or complaints about medical care or administrative policies and procedures at SHW. Every effort will be made to listen to the concern and respond in an appropriate fashion, and we encourage all patients to read the Patient Bill of Rights in the HealthyHoos patient portal before their first care appointment. The following procedures are recommended when students wish to register a concern or complaint:

Talk With Your Parents

Sometimes students talk with their parents, who can reassure them if their medical care sounds appropriate, or reaffirm their concerns when appropriate.  Parents will occasionally call us on behalf of the student to discuss medical care concerns. If you want us to speak with your parents, we need your explicit permission. Our commitment to confidentiality will not permit us to speak with anyone about your medical care under any circumstances except life-threatening emergencies.  Please understand that we are most willing to speak to your family but only after we have received your permission.

Talk Directly to the Person with Whom You Have a Complaint

Consider addressing your concern directly with the person with whom you have a complaint.  We realize that sometimes it is hard to question or confront an individual about medical conditions, treatments, or personal interactions.  Our SHW staff members are very approachable and willing to work with you to help you understand your medical condition, treatment, administrative procedures, or billing process. We suggest that you either call the individual directly or make an appointment to discuss your concerns.  Please note that each section of SHW has contact information for Directors and administrators on that section’s webpage – if possible, reach out to the section in which you were seen as this can be helpful in rectifying your complaint.

Submit a Formal Concern, Complaint, Suggestion, or Compliment

If you are unable to speak to the individual with whom you have a complaint or concern, or if you are not satisfied with the response you received, you may submit a formal complaint at Student Health Feedback.  A member of our leadership team will be asked to investigate events to determine the background/cause of the situation. In some instances, they may also seek additional support and consultation from other members of the SHW team.

Please note that this process is to be used for respectful, productive communication with Student Health and Wellness representatives. Please document your concern, suggestion, compliment or other feedback in a factual manner. Detail is important if further investigation is required. Responses are often situation dependent, but you should generally receive a response within 2-3 business days.

Talk with the Executive Director of SHW

If you have not received a satisfactory response by following the procedures listed above, you may contact the Executive Director of SHW at (434) 243-3740.

Regarding Letters to the Student Newspaper

Writing a letter to the Cavalier Daily may feel like the right approach, but it tends merely to vent your frustration without improving matters. We generally will not respond to a complaint letter to the editor simply because it is a breach of confidentiality for us to communicate about your medical care with anyone but yourself.  Should you choose to write a letter to the newspaper and you expect a response from SHW, please send us a courtesy copy so we can address you privately and confidentially.