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SDAC: D/deaf and Hard of Hearing

SDAC coordinates services for D/deaf and hard of hearing students, faculty, staff, and visitors for University-sponsored courses, programs, meetings, and events. We look forward to providing you with an equitable experience while you are a member of this learning community. To make that possible, we offer the following services:

  • American Sign Language (ASL) to English Interpreting
 - American Sign Language Request Form (NetBadge login required)
  • Captioning - Captioning Request Form (NetBadge login required)
    • Live Real Time Captioning Services for classes and events
    • Post-production Captioning Services for video and audio material used in/for classes or events
  • Assistive Technology such as FM systems
  • Other accommodations as appropriate

We encourage you to work with us to ensure that you have equal opportunity for learning and fun!


    Students who are D/deaf or Hard of Hearing, please email our office at [email protected] to set up a meeting with our D/deaf and Hard of Hearing Coordinator.

    If you are in need of captioning or ASL interpreting for a class or an event please use one or both of the following request forms:


    If you as faculty or staff need American Sign Language Interpreting, Captioning, or other D/deaf or Hard of Hearing disability-related accommodation, please refer to the Procedures for Employees with Disabilities to Request Workplace Accommodations and contact your department's Employee Relations Consultant. 

    If a student requests captioning as a disability-related accommodation, please contact [email protected]. SDAC will arrange for American sign language interpreting and/or professional captioning services and assist with the process.

    If you received a request for American Sign Language interpreter or closed captioning as it pertains to a disability for an event you are hosting, please complete one or both of the following request forms:


    To request American Sign Language interpreting or closed captioning as disability-related accommodation for an event or meeting you are attending, please email SDAC at the first available opportunity. Some requests require time to arrange, so the more time you give us, the better chance we have to get access in place. When submitting a request please include the following information:

    • Date

    • Time (start and end times)
    • Nature of Request (meeting, conference, presentation, tour, etc)
    • Location (building and room)
    • Person requesting service (if different from self)


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