blue static

Allergy Care

At Student Health and Wellness, we understand the impact allergies can have on daily life. Our providers are committed to delivering comprehensive allergy care tailored to meet our student's needs. Our clinic offers specialized services to help you effectively manage your symptoms and improve your overall well-being. With state-of-the-art facilities and personalized treatment plans, we strive to empower you to live your life to the fullest, free from the limitations of allergies.

Please review the two steps below before your first appointment.

1. Current Allergist must read and complete the forms below:

Allergy LetterAllergy Immunotherapy Order Form

  • Students will experience a delay in treatment if forms are not completed and vials are not labeled correctly.
  • If you have never received an allergy injection, you must receive your first dose from your current allergist. 

Allergy Vials may be sent to Student Health and Wellness by these three methods:

  • Students can bring allergy vials along with the order form to their first appointment.
  • Vials and the allergy immunotherapy order form may be delivered through FedEx, next day services (Monday-Friday) to UVA Student Health and Wellness Attn: Allergy Clinic 550 Brandon Ave. Charlottesville, VA 22908-0706.
  • Vials may be dropped off by students on weekdays between 8:30am-4pm. Student must schedule an Allergy Vial Drop Off appointment by calling 434-982-3915.

Please note we do not ship vials home or to prescribing doctor's offices. Students will need to pick up vials before breaks/end of semester.

2. Schedule your first Allergy Clearance appointment by calling 434-982-3915, visit our scheduling page for more information on scheduling with Medical Services.

  • An allergy clinic nurse will review completed orders and ensure vial labeling accuracy during your first appointment. 
  • Students will not receive an injection at this appointment.