Piper Goodman
WahooWell Specialist
Counseling and Psychological Services

Piper Goodman works as a WahooWell Specialist in CAPS.

As a WahooWell Specialist, Piper Goodman meets with students one-on-one to discuss their wellness goals, values, and helps guide them to support their attainment of their wellbeing ideal. She facilitates student outreach around wellbeing including stress management, sleep hygiene, substance use, social health, and other various topics which supports holistic student flourishing.  

Ms. Goodman is a graduate of the University of Virginia, receiving a double major bachelor’s degree in Youth and Social Innovation (BSEd), and Psychology (BA). She previously has worked in Community Mental Health and served the adult population in Charlottesville dealing with SMI diagnoses


550 Brandon Ave Charlottesville VA 22908