Nicole Headshot
Chief Mental Health Officer
Kamille Headshot
Clinical Care Manager
Embedded Psychotherapist at the School of Architecture
Deepti Headshot
Interim Director Counseling and Psychological Services
Senior Administrative Assistant
Gina Headshot
Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner
Staff Psychotherapist-Art Focus
Maddie Headshot
Resident Counselor, Eating Disorder Focus
Katie Headshot
Staff Psychotherapist at the School of Engineering and Applied Science
Kate Headshot
Staff Psychologist at the School of Law
Debora Headshot
Staff Psychotherapist at the School of Medicine
WahooWell Specialist
Jenn Headshot
Collegiate Recovery Program Coordinator
Deja Headshot
Medical Office Coordinator
Liz Headshot
Associate Director of Psychiatry
Kristen Headshot
Psychiatry Resident
Karen Headshot
Staff Psychotherapist at Darden and UVA Law
Beatriz Headshot
Staff Psychologist and Groups Coordinator
Trinley Headshot
Associate Director Outreach and Embedded Services
Will Headshot
Psychiatry Resident
Staff Psychotherapist at the Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy
Liz Headshot
Staff Psychotherapist at the School of Engineering and Applied Science
Mark Headshot
Recovery and Substance Abuse Counselor
WahooWell Specialist
CAPS Psychologist at the McIntire School of Commerce
Staff Psychotherapist
Debbie Headshot
Staff Psychologist at the Darden School of Business
David Headshot
Associate Director for Crisis Services